The Last Subway, 2017
Color digital video with sound 
9 min., 23 sec

The animated video The Last Subway follows the narrative of a fictitious video game protagonist ZiyangMon (referring to Pokémon Go) who transforms into a live person. Featuring a late-night subway where a series of absurd and carnivalesque stories take place, the viewer travels between mock CCTV newscasts, the Japanese pop music video Pen Pineapple Apple Pen, virtual reality footage, and a constructed subway station Los Jing (A virtual city in the combination of Los Angeles and Beijing); shifting between levels of reality like a video game. The work hints at how the virtual world increasingly influences human consciousness on both a macro and micro scale in our highly globalized and digitized society.

Ziynag Wu works

Ziynag Wu works

Ziynag Wu works

Ziynag Wu works

Ziynag Wu works

Ziynag Wu works

Ziynag Wu works